Sunday 6 July 2014

Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

The main colour used by a large majority in this poster is black which tells us that the force of evil present i previous posters in the series is now much stronger. Also the fact that the entire background of the poster is black could suggest that they have to hide away from everyone or do something in secret; this directly relates to Voldemort's army infiltrating the Ministry of Magic and part of his army slowly taking power at Hogwarts.
Audience foreknowledge is used to recognise Ginny, Neville and Luna; Cho's presence is related to the last film where Cedric Diggory died in the Tri-Wizard Tournament when Voldemort appeared.
'THE REBELLION BEGINS' tells us that the students are ready to go against their enemies now as they train using the code word Dumbelore's Army as their name.
Again the Title, particularly Harry Potter is printed in metallic so it will stand out from the poster; people will notice it as they walk past.
However, the light at the far end of the poster could suggest hope at the end of the film, similarly it could suggest someone's passing and them going to heaven - which of course we see with Sirius Black, Harry's godfather.
This poster is very successful, i think because this poster is so dark and mysterious compared to the previous posters that the audience would feel like they need to know what is going on.


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