Sunday 6 July 2014

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The colours used in this poster are blues and blacks which hint at danger, darkness, death and horror; this could link to the Goblet of Fire. The fact that it is named this gives the illusion of a long and hard struggle to win this goblet of fire, almost an impossible struggle. Also this links to the slogan at the bottom 'Dark and Dangerous Times Lie Ahead.'
There are three new faces on this poster, from two different, foreign wizarding schools; this could suggest that this game is bigger than anything and that the whole wizarding world will be watching. This is made clear by the three stands in the middle ground, in the centre of the lake. Some foreknowledge is needed to know that this lake is the black lake; therefore is home to various deadly creatures, which links to the earlier idea of it being an almost impossible task.
This is also the first poster where the characters are actually outside of Hogwarts itself; this could hint that this alone holds some unknown horror waiting to be discovered, reinforced by the fact that they are less protected when outside the castle grounds.
I think this poster is successful because it holds the readers attention as they try to figure out this movie might be about, leading them to watch the trailer and inevitably go and see the film. Moreover the introduction of new characters will make the audience intrigued.


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