Sunday 6 July 2014

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

The main colours used in the poster are greens and greys and this links to the natural destruction that takes place during the last Harry Potter film - Voldemort's army destroying the forests surrounding Hogwarts. Also it could relate to the natural brotherhood that all Hogwarts students feel as they defend their school from Voldemort and the death eaters.
IT ALL ENDS suggests that although the battle may have started during the last film, all the action is going to happen during this film; an ultimate winner will be decided. This also links with the entirety of Hogwarts joining in to help with the battle against the Dark Forces that go up against the school.
In the picture everyone is pictured looking worn out and injured with ripped clothing etc. and this suggests that they have either just finished the battle or are part way through, but they are all stood together signifying a unique bond between all the students.
There is a lot more red in this picture which directly relates to death and blood, which is of course one of the main themes of the film, what with Voldemort possessing the most powerful wand in creation.
In the background you can see Hogwarts, and parts of the walls and courtyard scattered among the floor; this tells us that although all the death eaters and Voldemort himself would have studied here they obviously do not care for their future generations, should they win, to do the same.
Personally i think this is the most successful poster of the whole film series because it shows such a strong front as all the students stand together to defeat the enemy. Of course audiences would be left eager to find out what happens, especially if they have followed the film series.


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