Okay so the colour of all the text on the poster in red; this relates to danger and disguise, which could link to the African plains in the background of the poster.
All the other colours are either used in a pastoral scene or reflect natural imagery e.g. Sandler's shirt is blue which could represent the ocean.
The movie title 'Blended' could suggest a merging of some kind, and this obviously links to the two families of Barrymore and Sandler blending together during the movie; this is a clear example of foreshadowing.
Barrymore has an outstretched finger pointing at Sandler in a way that suggests she is angry or annoyed with him; this could be related to the reason that they are in Africa, or their two families blending together.
The genre conventions hinted by this poster are humour and possibly romance between the two main characters.
Attention is gained by the two well-known actors names' and the para-linguistic features of Drew Barrymore; also the African plains landscape in the background.
Overall, i would say this poster is relatively effective as it communicates well with the audience; entices the audience to watch the film, which is essentially the purpose of every movie poster produced. However, despite this i think it also might rely on the fact that it was broadcast widely on TV and on-line; so the poster isn't as creative as it perhaps could be, but on the whole i think it's a good poster.